Monday, September 10, 2012

Line Perspectives

I saw many different leading lines in this picture, and what really drew me to this was the fact that they were all different, and all going in different directions. They're all different shapes, sizes, and textures, yet they are all leading lines.

I also chose this as one of my pictures, since the lines are all the same size and shape, yet they're all moving in different directions. This makes for a chaotic picture, but that's what I like about it.

I liked the angle that I took this from. There is a bit of a shadow, which also catches my eye. I think this shows leading lines, and also repetition. 

I thought it was interesting how the lines are all leading the eyes to the left side of the picture. I think this is more interesting than having them just lead away down the center of the picture. 

I liked how the lines in the crosswalk were crossing with the shadow of the poles, and also how the street has so many different lines and textures.

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